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Writer's pictureJulia Sumzina

Ахсар Гаглоев: Архитектура и поэзия.| Akhsar Gagloev: "Architecture is acquired, poetry is innate."

РУС: Одна из целей La Notte Magazine – знакомить аудиторию с талантливыми людьми из различных сфер искусства. Ахсар Гаглоев – архитектор, поэт, художник.

Яркий и увлеченный молодой человек живет и работает в Санкт-Петербурге. Он является выпускником Санкт-Петербургского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета (2018), магистром архитектуры, финалистом Международного конкурса архитектурного рисунка "АрхиГрафика 2016", автором проекта музея эволюции архитектуры и победителем Первого международного архитектурно-дизайнерского конкурса "Золотой Трезини".

С 2019 года на должности архитектора в Научно-исследовательском институте Перспективного Градостроительства, Санкт-Петербург. Так же Ахсар – автор ряда опубликованных статей и научных трудов об архитектуре. В 2020 году выпустил авторский поэтический сборник "Мысли Ахсара".

Давайте познакомимся с работами этого разносторонне талантливого человека.

Проект музея эволюции архитектуры | the Museum of Architecture Evolution project

Новая жизнь | New life

«Рана» (Спортивно-концертный комплекс «Петербургский», г. Санкт-Петербург, проспект Юрия Гагарина, 8) | Wound (Sports and Concert Complex "Petersburg", St. Petersburg, Yuri Gagarin Avenue, 8)

Несколько стихов из сборника:

И небольшое спонтанное интервью о вдохновении, архитектуре и литературе:


ENG: One of the main goals of La Notte Magazine is to show you interesting and talented people from the various areas of art. Akhsar Gagloev is an architect, poet and artist. He lives and works in St. Petersburg, Russia and today i want you to know this interesting person.

Akhsar Gagloev

Master of Architecture, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (2018)

Finalist of the ArchiGraphics 2016 international architectural drawing Competition

Author of the Museum of Architecture Evolution project

Winner of the Golden Trezzini First International Architecture and Design Competition, St. Petersburg

Movement of the Seine

Few sketches...

What motivated you to go into architecture?

It seems strange what could attract a school boy (8th grade) in such a complex and obscure word for him as "architecture"? The answer is technical drawing – one of the many subjects in school, but it was one which opened the doors to the amazing world of architecture. It all started with a point and a line, then projections and small fantasies. It started… a greedy desire to enter the place where they teach architecture and it worked out.

What architects of the past and present influenced on you mostly?

If we are talking about the architects of the past, it is Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, although he was an engineer in the first place, I even made a model of his most iconic building, the Eiffel Tower:

I really like three religious buildings: St. Peter's Cathedral, St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Isaac's Cathedral and, accordingly, their creators.

In general, I follow the work of many modern architects, I like everyone, but especially Zaha Hadid and Jean Nouvel, they are my favourite ones. For example, Jean Nouvel is stunning by his Louvre branch in Abu Dhabi and the Qatar National Museum. No wonder they (architects) are winners of the Pritzker Prize (the highest award in architecture), and the Aga Khan Prize, Nouvel even became a member of the jury of this award.

As the goal in comprehending the policy of an architect's behavior in a professional environment, I set myself the task of studying the work of at least one architect who has achieved success in the profession, who made the way from an architecture student to a leader of the profession. My choice is Zaha Hadid. For 10 years now I have been studying her work, reading books about her and gave a lecture entitled "Russian avant-garde and architecture of Zaha Hadid", etc. So far, I've seen only one object implemented by Zakha - the Dominion Tower in Moscow. This allows me to be more daring and free in my profession.

Which styles and periods are the most attractive for you?

The Gothic style, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of architecture. Structures in any other style are pale in comparison with the greatest Gothic edifices. In the Gothic, the three qualities of architecture highlighted by Vitruvius are most fully reflected: utility, strength, beauty. I also like antique architecture and antiquity - stone monuments of antiquity.

A little about your interest to poetry… What does it give to you?

I remember that at a specific time, under specific circumstances, I decided to devote myself to architecture, but I don't remember ever choosing poetry, it feels like it has been always with me. Architecture is acquired, poetry is innate. This is a state of mind.

I write... but I can say I prefer reading classics more than writing poetry myself.

Фото и текст: Юлия Сумзина

Материалы из личного архива Ахсара Гаглоева.

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